25Jesus said unto her, I am the aresurrection, and the blife: he that cbelieveth in me, though he were ddead, yet shall he elive:
-John 11:25-26
It has been brought to my attention that many of my more recent posts have been quite, well, worldly to put it in the LDS lingo, so lest you think I am going astray, I wanted to share a quick scripture from my New Testament study today!
In our NT class, we've picked out many of Christ's "I Am" statements. I am the light, I am the bread of life, I am the good shepherd. To me, this passage contains the greatest assertion of all--"I am the life." How true that is! Thanks to my faith in Jesus Christ, I have been able to embrace life more fully than I could ever imagine. My service and participation and learning in the church have helped me grow in so many ways and truly have defined my happiness today.
Especially after my dad passed away last August, verse 26 has grown in importance to me. He that believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this? It's a question I've had to ask myself many times, and a question to which I will answer with a resounding "Yes, I believe!" And thank heavens for it! Through Christ we can truly live, and I am forever grateful for his sacrifice and role in my life as my Savior.
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