29 October 2010

Sort of a Boring Week

Sorry for the lack of posting lately, it's been a pretty crazy week. Both Owen and I had to register for classes this week, which meant we had to stay up until midnight two nights in a row. Yuck. I really like my sleep thank you very much. Plus we had snow on Monday and Tuesday (why oh why!? It is only  October! Give me back fall please!) which was just awful, especially since our landlord has failed four times now to turn on our heat. That's right. No heat + snow = fairly FREEZING home. We have been sleeping with four quilts. Hopefully (fingers crossed extra hard) they will for sure finally fix it today, and I will no longer have to wear my cozy bathrobe over all of my clothes when I am home.

Unfortunately, registering for classes makes me excited for next semester and all of the cool subjects I will be taking (physiology-finally!, advanced molecular biology, tissue biology, developmental biology, YAY!) which translates to a very large lack of studying for this semester's classes. Too bad we still have more than a month left. But it's okay! I think Owen and I are going to have a study date tonight. Lame, I know, but we both need it big time. Maybe we will order the FREE MEDIUM PIZZA that I won at the basketball game on Thursday! Yeah, that was pretty awesome. We even got to be on TV next to the big Papa John's slice of pizza guy. Anyway, sorry for the boring-ness, but I included cool pictures, so hopefully that makes up for it :) 

We're going to enter the Qualtrics costume competition at noon today, I hope we win! Wish us luck! Pictures coming soon of these super-duper awesome costumes!!!


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